by Innomechanika Innomechanika

Innomechnanika Ltd. has been awarded with the AAA certificate for companies with the steadiest financial standing




Innomechnanika Ltd. has been awarded with the AAA certificate for companies with the steadiest financial standing

Dun & Bradstreet, the international provider of business information and company ratings classifies the financial stability and business reliability of all enterprises based on a proven system, that has been designed by international experts, and whose operation is consistently measured. This is how our company, Innomechanika Ltd. has been chosen as one of the enterprises with the steadiest financial standing.

It is a great honour for our company to be listed at the highest ranks on the basis of Dun & Bradstreet’s objective company rating. We pay heightened attention to acting fairly on the market, thus it is important for us that an external expert has also confirmed that the probability of our company’s insolvency is outstandingly low. We believe that with reliance on the Dun & Bradstreet Certificate, we can further enhance trust towards our customers, contractors and employees, which is becoming more and more important in long-term, stable business relations. For us, the fact that Dun & Bradstreet, as an independent and international expert, has acknowledged the stability of our company, conveys the message that we are on the right track in building and developing our company. As the rating of our enterprise has been performed strictly in view of professional considerations, while no application or registration is possible for this rating, the Dun & Bradstreet Certificate is a truly positive distinction for our company on the market

Innomechanika Ltd. has received Dun & Bradstreet’s AAA (triple A) Certificate, which indicates that the financial risk of establishing business relations with our company is extremely low.

The basis of the Dun & Bradstreet Certificate is Dun & Bradstreet rating system, which has been used for rating companies in view of their reliability for decades. Issued with AAA, AA, and A ratings, Dun & Bradstreet Certificates indicate the stability of companies, and that companies in possession of such ratings – i.e. Dun & Bradstreet Certificates – have steady financial standing. The AAA company rating was introduced in 1989, and firms have had the opportunity to demonstrate their business reliability in the form of certificates as well since 1996. The certificate provides means for the eligible companies to show to others that their companies are recognized, reliable and creditworthy undertakings. The Dun & Bradstreet Certificate is used in different areas of business several countries across Europe.

The Dun & Bradstreet rating is based on data originating from multiple official sources, such as information from the Ministry of Justice, entries of the Courts of Registry, as well as the data of the National Tax and Customs Administration and other authorities. In addition to the data from the official sources, the financial information regarding the firm, such as balance data, profit and loss accounts, and trends are incorporated, as well. For the rating,

the demographic data of the company or organization are taken into consideration, i.e. the company’s age, activities, size and owners, alongside their interrelations. It is incorporated from the Payment Experience Program into the rating whether the given enterprise settles its invoices at their due dates or with delays, i.e. what their payment discipline is. Furthermore, numerous other pieces of information gathered contribute to the system of Dun & Bradstreet’s rating, such as legal enforcement details and press reports.

As the Dun & Bradstreet rating does not only show the currently steady financial standing of our company, but partly owing to the design of the Dun & Bradstreet rating it also indicates the probability of our business becoming insolvent in the forthcoming year, we can proudly state that Innomechanika Ltd. shall continue to be a steady actor of the market in the future, too.

by Innomechanika Innomechanika

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